When I deployed a site created with Nuxt.js SSG to Firebase Hosting, I got a Page Not Found error.
Structure of Application
Sites created with SSG are configured to generate index.html in a subdirectory.
Reference: Nuxt - Nuxt configuration file
Also, the query was not recognized correctly when started on the local server at build time (because of the trailing slash). To solve this, add a setting to remove the trailing slash.
Reference: Nuxt - The router Property
This file does not exist and there was no index.html found in the current directory or 404.html in the root directory.
index.html exists under a subdirectory. The page was displayed when initially connected, but the above error is displayed when reloading, as if the path is not recognized properly.
When running on a local server, the page functioned correctly even after reloading.
Setttings of Firebase
Locally, the behavior is correct, so it may be possible to change the Firebase configuration to accommodate this.
First, add a rewrites
setting to link the page routing to the file to be called. Regular expressions can also be used.
Next, change the configuration to disable trailing slashes in URLs. This is not required.
(The site I created was using query parameters, so I had a problem with the trailing slash that would not work at the same time.)
"hosting": {
"public": "dist",
"rewrites": [{ "source": "**", "destination": "/index.html" }],
"ignore": ["firebase.json", "**/.*", "**/node_modules/**"],
"trailingSlash": false
Reference: Configure Hosting behavior | Firebase Hosting
Instead of generating index.html under a subdirectory with Nuxt.js, it is possible to generate it as <page>.html.
Firebase Hosting will by default route files with .html extensions without .html when displaying them.
Therefore, the appearance on Firebase Hosting does not change regardless of which configuration is used in Nuxt.js.